Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tips merawat laptop agar tahan lama
Laptop adalah gadget yang sensitif terhadap perlakuan pengguna dan faktor luar seperti getaran, debu, air dan bahkan udara. Hal ini diakibatkan karena laptop dirakit dengan komponen yang lebih kecil dari perangkat personal komputer sehingga sangat rentan mengalami gangguan kinerja bahkan kerusakan terutama pada bagian hard drive.

Untuk membuat laptop tahan lama perlu perlakuan khusus agar hardware laptop bisa awet dalam menangani tuntukan kerja dari software yang semakin lama semakin membutuhkan spesifikasi yang tinggi. Nah, berikut ini adalah beberapa tip cara merawat laptop yang bisa anda aplikasikan untuk membuat laptop lebih awet dan tahan lama.

Tips perawatan laptop agar tahan lama
Gunakan kipas pendingin tambahan
Mungkin anda pernah mendengar istilah cooling pad bukan? bagi para pengguna laptop, mungkin sudah seharusnya anda harus tahu dan lebih baik anda harus punya yang namanya cooling pad. Cooling pad adalah sebuah alat atau kipas pendingin yang digunakan untuk mendinginkan suhu laptop anda. Biasanya laptop diletakkan diatas cooling pad ini ketika dipakai. Meskipun didalam laptop sudah ada sistem pendinginannya secara default, namun adanya cooling pad ini jangan anda sepelekan. Jika sampai komponen-komponen dalam laptop anda kepanasan akibat suhu yang terlampau panas, maka bisa jadi laptop anda akan mengalami kerusakan. Apalagi jika suhu diruangan sedang panas, maka cooling pad ini sangat berguna untuk mengatur sirkulasi udara dalam laptop dan mendinginkan komponen dala laptop anda. Dengan begitu, laptop anda akan terhindar dari kepanasan dan kerusakan.

Jangan sembarangan mendownload software" dari internet
Biasanya nih, klo udah ada koneksi kenceng alias ngebut, pasti deh kerjaannya download. Usahakan jangan download software yang tidak jelas asal usul silsilah keluarganya,(software ada keturunannya men) karena bisa membahayakan diri kita. Pakelah software" yang telah didapatkan dari paket laptopnya waktu pertama beli. Jika software hasil download sebaiknya scan dulu dengan antivirus paling top.

Buang saja software yang tidak berguna
Dalam sebuah sistem operasi, penginstalan program atau software memang diperlukan untuk menjalankan suatu aktifitas tertentu. Banyak sekali berbagai macam jenis software yang ada pada saat ini. Sebaiknya anda jangan tergoda untuk menginstal begitu banyak program yang sebenarnya tidak anda butuhkan. Jadi, lebih baik anda buang / uninstall saja program yang tidak pernah digunakan atau sangat jarang anda gunakan.

Menginstall antivirus
Mungkin hal ini sedikit berseberangan dengan kondisi fisik laptop anda dan lebih cenderung kepada keamanan sistem operasi yang terinstall di laptop anda. Antivirus memang sangat penting untuk menjaga keamanan dari kemungkinan terserangnya sistem operasi pada laptop anda oleh virus. Nah, salah satu antivirus yang berbasis lokal indonesia adalah smadav. Antivirus ini sangatlah ringan namun sangat ampuh dan recommended. Sudah banyak yang menggunakannya. Untuk lebih amannya anda juga bisa memadukannya dengan antivirus internasional agar benar-benar aman dari serangan virus. Mungkin anda bisa membaca ini, smadav ringan tapi ampuh basmi virus.

Jangan meletakkan laptop diatas kasur saat sedang menyala
Dampak yang ditimbulkan cukup besar, berdasarkan pengalaman teman saya. Setelah beberapa jam saja laptopnya ditaro diatas kasur, keesokan harinya adaptornya langsung rusak.

Jaga kebersihan laptop anda

Usahakan laptop anda tidak boleh ada debu sama sekali, selalu setiap habis dipakai lap dengan kain putih bersih agar bebas debu dan kuman penyakit. Pakai pelindung layar dan pelindung keypad juga klo mampu beli.

Hindari getaran elektromagnetik
Jauhkan laptop anda dari alat-alat elektromagnetik seperti misalnya alat pengeras suara, loudspeaker, mesin, handphone, dan sumber getaran lainnya.

Rapikan kabel-kabel yang terhubung
Sebisa mungkin kabel-kabel ke laptop itu harus tertata rapi, jangan sampai membuat orang lain tersandung lalu jatuh dan terluka kemudian menyalahkan anda. Bisa repot lagi urusannya.

Jika laptop anda bermasalah, jangan coba-coba untuk mencoba betulkan sendiri.
Lebih baik diserahkan ke tukang service terdekat. Karena jika anda membetulkan sendiri bisa-bisa kerusakan menjadi semakin berat. Apalagi kalo masih garansi lalu anda membongkar laptop sendiri dan merusak sticker garansi yang masih ada pada laptop. (gk komentar deh)

Jangan memindahkan laptop yang sedang menyala

Apakah anda pernah memindah-mindahkan laptop anda ketika kondisi laptop anda sedang menyala? jika anda ingin laptop anda terhindar dari kerusakan, maka sangat disarankan untuk "TIDAK" melakukan hal ini. Hampir sama dengan meletakkan laptop pada permukaan yang tidak datar diatas, piringan hardisk laptop anda bisa tergores oleh head nya ketika anda memindah laptop anda pada saat sedang menyala. Jika ingin mengangkat atau memindahkan laptop, sebaiknya anda matikan dahulu laptop anda, agar senantiasa aman dari kerusakan.

Jangan melepas baterai laptop anda
Perkembangan laptop sudah sedemikian pesatnya. Jadi, ketika anda memakai laptop sambil dicharge pun tidak akan ada masalah. Karena laptop keluaran sekarang sudah canggih. Mungkin ada yang beranggapan bahwa ketika laptop dicharge sambil dipakai, maka bisa mengakibatkan baterai mengalami pengembungan / mengembung. Jika laptop anda adalah laptop jadul yang diproduksi pada tahun 2005 kebawah, hal ini mungkin saja benar adanya. Tetapi laptop yang diproduksi diatas tahun 2005 sudah berbeda dan tidak masalah jika dicharge sambil dipakai.

Mungkin ada yang sering melepas baterai laptop ketika memakai listrik. Padahal hal ini justru sangat membahayakan laptop anda. Bayangkan saja, ketika laptop anda dipakai dalam kondisi lepas baterai dan memakai daya listrik / DC, dan tiba-tiba saja terjadi mati lampu, maka laptop anda pun akan mati secara tiba-tiba. Jika hal ini sampai terjadi, maka komponen-komponen dalam laptop anda akan terkena akibat buruk dari hal ini.

Sangat disarankan tetap memasang baterai walaupun sedang dipakai menggunakan daya listrik / DC. Hal ini penting untuk anda ketahui dan anda perhatikan, karena jika sewaktu-waktu terjadi mati lampu, maka baterai anda akan dapat berguna untuk menahan daya dan menggantikan daya listrik yang mati tersebut, sehingga laptop anda tetap aman menyala.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

30 Daftar Laptop Termurah di Indonesia 2013 - Bagi anda pecinta Laptop yang sedang mencari daftar harga laptop termurah dan berkualitas, tentunya di sesuaikan dengan badget yang ada, Kali ini admin update daftar laptop termurah di Indonesia 2013 yang telah disurvei dari dealer-dealer terbesar di jakarta seperti Harco dan Glodok,

Yang termasuk Laptop Termurah 2013 ini adalah sebagian dari
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Monday, March 28, 2016

This year on 23rd of April 2013, second term of National Council Election was held in all the 20 dzongkhags of Bhutan in respective polling station under each dzongkhag. And people are asked to elect their own representatives(NC) from their respective dzongkhags to whom they trust and believe that he/she can really represent them in NC.
And I hope that all the candidates who deserved to be a member of NC was elected by the people without any corruption and reinforcement. unfortunately I could not go for the election due to some circumstances but I hope I will be able to vote for the NA.

But I am very much afraid that people might have elected a wrong candidate because last time when I was watching LIVE TV, the reporter  from BBS was asking few questions to the public "for what purpose are you voting and for which house are you voting?" and I saw that many peoples could not answer to this question especially the villagers because they didnt knew for what they are voting and to whom  are they going to vote. They also didnt knew that who is a capable candidate and who is not. In this way there is a very chance of voting to the incapable  candidates leading to the collapse of Bhutan government. I wish if there could be a better way to explain the villagers about the election so that they can elect a their right representative.

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Sony PlayStation Vita dari Sony Computer Entertainment Inc saat ini sedang hangat diburu oleh para gamers. PlayStation Vita adalah konsol berlayar sentuh yang mengenali gerakan pemainnya. PlayStation Vita dilengkapi dengan layar sentuh OLED berukuran 5 inchi untuk layar depan dan sebuah pad multitouch unik di bagian belakang yang dimaksudkan untuk user agar dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan game-game 3D yang menggunakan gerakan jari seperti sentuhan, mengambil, menyusuri, mendorong dan menarik. Dilengkapi dengan dua analog stick yang memungkinkan jangkauan yang lebih luas untuk game yang memang memerlukan perlakuan khusus, seperti game shooters, action, dan game fighting.

PS Vita didukung oleh prosesor quad-core A9 ARM Cortex dengan GPU PowerVR SGX543MP4+. Dilengkapi kamera depan belakang dengan kemampuan merekam video, built-in GPS (3G/Wi-Fi model), six-axis motion sensing system, three-axis electronic compass. Anda juga diberikan fasilitas bluetooth, slot memori, port USB, audio serial data, speaker serta mikrofon yang ter-integrasi. PlayStation Vita Versi Wi-Fi dibanderol seharga Rp.4.000.000, sedangkan versi yang lengkap dengan koneksi seluler dibanderol Rp.4.700.000.


Berikut Spesifikasi Sony PlayStation Vita

  • Model: PCH-1000 series
  • CPU: ARM Cortex™-A9 core (4 core)
  • GPU: SGX543MP4+
  • Dimensions: 182.0mm x 18.6mm x 83.5mm
  • Screen (Touch screen): 5 inches (16:9), 960 x 544, ~16 million colors, OLED Multi touch screen (capacitive type)
  • Rear touch pad Multi touch pad (capacitive type)
  • Cameras: Front camera, Rear camera
  • Sound: Built-in stereo speakers/Built-in microphone
  • Sensors: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass
  • Location: Built-in GPS / Wi-Fi location service support
  • Mobile network connectivity (3G), IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1×1)(Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode) and Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP)
  • Slots/Ports: PlayStation®Vita card slot, Memory card slot, SIM card slot (3G/Wi-Fi model only), Multi-use port (for USB data communication, DC IN, Audio [Stereo Out / Mono In], Serial data communication), Headset jack (Stereo mini jack) (for Audio [Stereo Out / Mono In]) Accessory port
  • Supported Formats: Music MP3 MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3 MP4 (MPEG-4 AAC) WAVE (Linear PCM), Videos MPEG-4 Simple Profile (AAC) H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Hi/Main/Baseline Profile (AAC), Photos JPEG (Exif 2.2.1), TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG
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On 31st of August annual school Rimdo (Puja or ritual) and intra-house cultural show competition were conducted on the same day in Bajothanghss, so that the less number of classes are being missed in conducting such programmes in the school. Even though these programmes were very important but academic is always above all. Rimdow was conducted inside the multi-purpose hall and the cultural show was conducted in the lawn beside the administrative blog which is normally used for conducting such programmes.
Our chief guest was head of the Wangduephodrang Shedra (monastery) in both the programmes. Annual school rimdo was conducted in the school for the welfare and prosperity of the school and all the Bajothanghss family. We, all the students and teachers were asked to attain the rimdo ceremony inside the MPH where we had a tough time accommodating around 7oo plus students and around 40+ staffs. Inside the hall the temperature was so high that we could hardly bear the heat and even some of the madams were suffering a lot due to heat and congested area but we managed to stay inside the hall for around three and half hours as it was for our own welfare. But we really enjoyed throwing duna (mixture of all type of grains) over statue of duem (witch) and shouting so that the duem will ran away from our school and from the soul every individuals.
Instead of throwing dunaover duem, students were enjoying throwing more to each other to have fun, which I guess was not supposed to do. But anyway the rimdow was a successful due to the worthy efforts of all the teachers and worthy captains and also the cooperation given by all the individual students.

Coming back to the intra-house cultural show competition, we have eight houses in the school and each house was supposed to prepare three items that were zhungdra, boedra and the rigsar. Many of the houses had tough time while preparing zhungdra because many of the students don’t wants to participate in the zhungdra as they only love to participate in the modern dance form which is rigsar. But at the end all the items were well performed in front of the worthy judges and they all were enjoying the show and we students too. And we really had a fun.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari Hp Cross Andromeda A22. menampilkan Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember.

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.


Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru 2013
Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru 2013 :
Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Baru : Rp 1.100.000
Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Seken : Rp -

Spesifikasi Cross A22:
Network GSM/3G/HSDPA
CPU : Dual-core 1Ghz MT6577
GPU : PowerVR SGX531
OS Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
LCD 5.0 inci WVGA (480x800 piksel ; 240dpi)
Touchscreen : Capasitive Multi Touch 5 point
Back camera 3 MP
Front camera 1,3 MP
Memori Internal : 4GB
RAM : 512 MB
3G HSDPA Connection
WiFi, Thettering & Portable Hotspot
GPS, Proximity sensor, Light Sensor, 3D Gravity Sensor
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Download Accelerator Plus Premium beta Full Version - Apa kabar sobat semua, pasti sehatkan, kali ini Arif Poetra Yunar Blog ingin share sebuah Software untuk meningkat Kecepatan Download Internet sobat, Banyak software untuk mempercepat download file dari internet, salah satunya yaitu Internet Download Manager atau biasa yang lebih di kenal dengan sebutan IDM. Untuk software yang satu ini bernama Download Accelerator Plus (DAP), Software ini hampir sama fungsinya dengan IDM. Ketika sedang mencari informasi mengenai Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia, saya menemukan software ini, sekalian saja saya posting di blog ini, Nah buat sobat sobat yang ingin mencoba software Download Accelerator Plus (DAP). Langsung saja klik link download dibawah....

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Since from my childhood I was all alone and there are many sad stories behind these which I even don’t want to recollect which still makes me sad on thinking those days. Sometimes I used to think that I may be the unluckiest child on this earth who lost his mom when he was only eight months old and father who was as good as not there. A child who couldn’t recognize his mother when he got to see her only on 8 for the first time in his life after gaining his sense. I had to face lots and lots of difficulties in my relative’s houses. I was almost like an orphan till I joined the school in 2002 which was done by my uncle and not parents and for only these, many many thanks goes to him from deep. And this is the only reason why I think myself as a lucky man. My only sister didn’t got the chance to go to the school and get the education for which she still regret and it’s all because my useless father. Being in others houses was a very difficult and I always used to remain alone but I never lost my hope to live and survived all the hazards somehow.

My happiness arrived in 2003 when I got to stay with my mother but it was only for a year after a long time and after 2005 when I got to stay with her permanently but the loneliness was still there in me. As the years passed situation grew better and better and I got used to with the loneliness and I got adapted with it. I start liking it gradually and it was only friend. I had and have hundreds of friends but never found a friend to whom I can call as my best friend. I don’t know whether something was wrong with me or what? Best friend means a lot for me who is with us in times of happiness and sorrow. Friends are with us for only few hours or few days but after that loneliness will again grape you. Even best friends leaves us one day no matter how close we are.

The best way to escape form loneliness is to love loneliness I believe. When you start liking the feeling of loneliness, you don’t feel like hang out with friends and do crazy things always. Of course we have to do that and I too feel like doing that but not always. If we always stay with friends and enjoy every day then you tend to forget the value of friendship, celebration and enjoyment. If we celebrate the occasion occasionally then only we know the value occasion. When we love loneliness we don’t need any friends to make us happy and smile always but we’ll be happy in our own ways. We’ll get time to think more and do more things for ourselves. Without friends we can’t celebrate but we can enjoy we can’t laugh always but we can smile and above all our mind will be in peace always. When we love loneliness we’ll love silence and peace and it’s a great thing to experience sometime. It’s really hard for us to love loneliness but we have to accept it sometime. Being lonely for some time gives our mind to take rest and we’ll be in peace always.

Problems arrive when we are with friends as we feel like doing many crazy things that we are not supposed to do actually. All unwanted activities like drinking abusing drugs and fighting are all accompanied by being with friends all the time. When we are with friends we get carried away in the influence of some friends and that becomes our habits gradually. And when friends are not around us that’s when we die of being alone and it really happens sometimes. So why not make loneliness itself your friend which will never betray you. Loneliness means peace and I love peace. Loving loneliness never means to neglect our friends and stop having fun. We do have to have fun with friends enjoy with them sometimes and I too do that but we should never forget that we have to depart after meeting and we’ll again remain all alone. We should never try to run away from loneliness because we can’t. The more we try to escape from it the more we feel the pain of loneliness. If you are peace lover you should never try to do that. Just stay in your own world and enjoy with what is around you that’s life for me. If we are happy with what is around us happiness will be taken care.

                                                                    D.K Thulung Rai
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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Update Harga Terbaru Ponsel Lenovo P780 Juni 2013Untuk anda pengguna setia Handphone Lenovo dan ingin membeli Handphone Lenovo P780 alangkah baiknya anda mengetahui Harga Ponsel Lenovo P780, kali ini saya akan memberikan info lengkap Update Harga Terbaru Ponsel Lenovo P780 Juni 2013Selengkapnya ...

Update Harga Terbaru Ponsel Lenovo P780 Juni 2013

Harga Ponsel Lenovo P780 Terbaru Update 2013 :
  • Harga Ponsel Lenovo P780 Baru : Rp 3.000.000
  • Harga Ponsel Lenovo P780 Seken : Rp -
Spesifikasi Lenovo P780 :
  • GENERAL Network DUAL SIM GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 - SIM 1 & SIM 2 3G HSDPA 2100 
  • LAYAR Tipe IPS super sensitive touch LCD , 16M colors 
  • Ukuran 5 inches (~245 ppi pixel density) Multitouch 
  • DIMENSI Ukuran/Berat 133 x 67 x 11.9 mm / 161 g 
  • AUDIO Fitur Vibration 
  • MP3, WAV ringtones 
  • Jack 3,5 mm Jack Audio 
  • Speakerphone Ya 
  • MEMORY Internal 4 GB storage, 1 GB RAM 
  • Eksternal microSD, up to 32 GB 
  • EDGE Ya 
  • GPRS Ya 
  • WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi hotspot 
  • Bluetooth Ya, with A2DP 
  • Infrared Tidak 
  • USB/Port microUSB v2.0 
  • KAMERA Primer 8 MP, 2592?1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash Geo-tagging, touch focus 
  • Sekunder VGA 
  • Video Record Ya 
  • BATERAI Tipe Li-Ion 4000 mAh battery 
  • Standby Up to 644 h 
  • Talk Time Up to 29 h 
  • FITUR OS Android OS, v4.2 (Jelly Bean) 
  • CPU MTK 6589, prosesor quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 1,2Ghz GPU PowerVR SGX531
  • Sensors: Accelerometer, proximity 
  • Browser HTML 
  • GPS Ya, with A-GPS 
  • Messaging SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, IM, Push Email 
  • Java via Java MIDP emulator, Fitur tambahan: Radio FM, - SNS integration - Organizer - Image/video editor - Document viewer - Google Search, Maps, Gmail, YouTube, 
  • Multiple SIM Dual SIM GSM Dual stand-by 
  • Video Player MP4/H.264/H.263 player 
  • MP3 Player MP3/WAV/eAAC+ player 
  • Audio Record Ya 
  • TV Tidak
Update Harga Terbaru Ponsel Lenovo P780 Juni 2013 ini bukan patokan dari satu toko, melainkan di ambil sampel dari beberapa daerah tentunya harga di sesuaikan dengan daerah masing-masing dan kondisi barang:

Nah demikianlah ulasan saya mengenai "Update Harga Terbaru Ponsel Lenovo P780 Juni 2013", bagaimana apa anda tertarik untuk memilikinya?. Silahkan berkomentar bagaimana pendapat anda tentang Ponsel Lenovo P780 ini.

Update Harga Terbaru:
  • Harga Smartfren Andromax C Terbaru Juni 2013
  • Harga Smartfren Alcatel D920 Terbaru Juni 2013
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Model : HP G7000
Family: HP G Notebook PCs
Manufacture: Hewlett Packard

Install according to order and read instruction carefully for window XP and 7.
There are 3 applicable wireless driver, choose 1 base on your specification.


Windows XP Installation
Windows XP Drivers
Windows Vista Drivers 32-bit and 64-bit
Windows 7 Drivers 32-bit and 64-bit

Windows XP Installation:

The default Operating System for HP G7000 is windows Vista. If you want to downgrade to windows XP you need to integrate AHCI drivers into windows XP installation disc. This process called slipstream process and you can read the tutorial here.
Use this sata driver for the process: SP37005 (you can extarct it using winrar software or run the software so it will create a SP37005 folder on C:swsetup folder

HP G7000 Windows XP Drivers

Intel INF Update Utility for 6,5,4,3,900 Series Chipset
Version, 2.4MB

Intel Sata AHCI Driver For Windows XP/Vista
Version, 787KB

Intel Matrix Storage Manager
Version, 20.16MB

Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (MS-UAA)
Version 1.00B3
Install patch and reboot and then install audio Driver. 
Do not skip this process otherwise the audio installation will failed.

Mobile Intel 945GM/965 Express Chipset Family Video Driver
Version: A, 8.12M
Download x86 (32-bit)
Download x64 (64-bit) - In case the link remove, Google for "mobile express 965 windows xp 64 bit" because Intel often change the download Link.

Conexant High Definition Smart Audio 221
Version, 1.01MB  

Audio Installation:
Extract and run setup to install, If direct installation failed,
1. Open device manager by click start and select run, type DEVMGMT.MSC and press enter.
2. Look for AUDIO on the list, it should marked with yellow.
3. Right click and select update driver, Select no to connect.
4.Select "Advance....."
5. Select "Don search I will choose the driver to install.
6. Select Have disk and Point to audio driver folder we extracted earlier.
7. Select the inf files and it will install the driver.

Button and Keyboard
HP Quick Launch Button
Version 6.40 B, 19.65MB

ALPS Touchpad Drivers
Version 5.4.1501.9 A, 3.42MB,

Conexant HDaudio Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP  Driver
Version B, 6.75MB

Wireless - Intel
Intel PRO/Wireless Driver
Version  7.10 D, 4.93MB

Wireless - Broadcom
Broadcom Wireless Driver
Version, 9.9MB

Wireless - Atheros
Atheros AR5007/AR 5XXX Series
Version 9.20MB, 81.94MB
Alternative download: Download from atheros cz ,
smaller size (1.7MB) but you need to install manually using device manager.

LAN - Ethernet
Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC Driver
Version 5.635.923.2005 A, 2.7MB

Card Reader 
Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader Driver
Version 6.1.7600.30105 A, 7.46M

HP G7000 Windows Vista Drivers

Intel Chipset Installation Utility for ICH8 for Microsoft Windows Vista

Intel Sata AHCI Driver For Windows XP/Vista
Version, 787KB

Intel Matrix Storage Manager
Version, 20.16MB

Conexant High Definition Audio Driver
Version A, 34.95MB

Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset Family
Version A, 15.19MB  Download x86 (32-bit)
Version A, 13.7MB    Download x64 (64-bit)

Button and Keyboard
HP Quick Launch Button
Version 6.40 B, 19.65MB

ALPS Touchpad Pointing Device
Version A, 8.02MB

Conexant HDaudio Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP
Version A, 22.22MB

Wireless - Intel
Intel PRO/Wireless Driver for Microsoft Windows Vista
Version 7.10 B, 9.23MB

Wireless - Broadcom
Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Windows Vista
Version 6.00 E, 17.67MB

Wireless - Atheros
Atheros AR5007/AR 5XXX Series
Version, 5.21MB

LAN - Ethernet
Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC Driver
Version 6.103.0126.2007 B, 2.7MB

Card Reader
USB Mass Storage Device Driver (Realtek)
Version 6.0.6000.2001 A, 5.91MB

HP G7000 Windows 7 Drivers

Important Notes for windows 7 users:
Normally windows Vista Driver will work for windows 7 but not all. However it is worth to try because using drivers provided originally by HP is always a better choice. You can install it using compatibility mode for windows vista in windows 7.
Unlike windows XP and Windows Vista, There are no windows 7 driver for those who use intel 2200 ABG Wireless so you have to read tutorial on the link given to install it.

Below provided the drivers for windows 7 upgrade.

Intel INF Update Utility for 6,5,4,3,900 Series Chipset
Version, 2.4MB

Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver
Version: A, 9.69M
Conexant Smart Audio 221
Version A, 11.89MB
(automatically installed, if not run windows update or install the driver below.)

Mobile Intel 965 Express Graphic driver
Version, 22.84MB
Download x86 (32-bit)
Download x64 (64-bit)
Card Reader
Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader
Version 6.1.7600.30120 A, 8.53MB

Synaptics TouchPad Driver
Version:, 42.09M

Quick Launch
HP Quick Launch Button
Version 2.30, 3.8MB

LAN -Ethernet
Realtek PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC Driver
Version n/A (latest) -  size n/a

Wireless - Intel
Intel PRO/Wireless Driver (for Wifi Link 4965 and Pro Wireless 3495)
Version 13.4, 15.0MB

Wireless - Intel
Intel Pro Wireless 2200 B/G
Download and Installation instruction.

Wireless - Broadcom
Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Windows 7
Version, 19.75MB

Wireless - Atheros
Atheros AR5007/AR 5XXX Series
Version 9.20MB, 81.94MB
Alternative download: Download from atheros cz ,
smaller size (6.5MB) but you need to install manually using device manager.

Compatible with all HP G7000 series, here is examples of the models:
HP G7000 CTO Notebook PC
HP G7001TU Notebook PC
HP G7002TU Notebook PC
HP G7030 CTO Notebook PC
HP G7030XX Notebook PC
HP G7031TU Notebook PC
HP G7032TU Notebook PC
HP G7060 CTO Notebook PC
HP G7061TU Notebook PC
HP G7091TU Notebook PC
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Im so glad you made time to see me.
Hows life? Tell me hows your family?
I havent seen them in a while.
Youve been good, busier than ever,
We small talk, work and the weather,
Your guard is up and I know why.

cause the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die.

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "Im sorry for that night",
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you.
Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine.
Id go back to December, turn around and make it all right
I go back to December all the time.

These days I havent been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leavin
When your birthday passed and I didnt call.
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times,
I watched you laughing from the passenger side.
Realized that I loved you in the fall

Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was "Goodbye"

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "Im sorry for that night".
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you,
Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine.
Id go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time.

I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry

Maybe this is wishful thinking,
Probably mindless dreaming,
If we loved again I swear Id love you right...

Id go back in time and change it but I cant.
So if the chain is on your door I understand.

But this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "Im sorry for that night"
And I go back to December...
It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you,
Wishing that Id realize what I had when you were mine.
Id go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
Id go back to December, turn around and change my own mind

Id go back to December all the time.
All the time
Read More..

Price: $1,151.61
amazon button

Product Description

The IdeaPad Y570 notebook is optimized for high-definition entertainment. This 15.6" widescreen notebook offers a range of multimedia innovations. Theres one-touch audio-visual settings with OneKey Theater II; enhanced audio quality thanks to SRS Premium Sound and JBL designed speakers; while Lenovo Rescue System provides peace of mind with easy data back-up and recovery. The IdeaPadY570 features up to 2nd generation Intel Core i7 processors with Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0. And Lenovo Enhanced Experience 2.0 for Windows 7 with RapidDrive technology ensures that this PC starts up to 20 seconds faster than a typical Windows 7 computer.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1388 in Personal Computers
  • Color: Dusk Black
  • Brand: Lenovo
  • Model: 086262U
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 15.20" h x 1.40" w x 10.00" l, 5.95 pounds
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 2.2 Hz
  • Memory: 8GB Unknown
  • Hard Disk: 750GB
  • Graphics: GeForce GT 555M 1000MB
  • Processors: 1
  • Battery type: Lithium Ion
  • Native resolution: 1336 x 768
  • Display size: 15.6


  • Intel 2nd Generation Core i7-2670QM
  • 15.6" HD (1366x768) LED backlight
  • 8GB DDR3, 750GB storage
  • NVIDIA GeForce GT555M Discrete Graphics, 1GB dedicated video memory
  • JBL Brand Speakers
Auto Post
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Met malam sobat, Saya mau berbagi software lagi nih yaitu, TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2160.13, software ini gak jauh hebat dari software Uniblue PowerSuite, dan CCleaner. Bagi yang berminat langsung cek TKP saja yukk,, letss cekidot....

TuneUp Utilities 2012 dapat membuat sistem operasi Windows Anda lebih cepat, lebih mudah digunakan, dan lebih aman. Semua operasi yang dilakukan pada sistem operasi benar-benar aman, karena semua perubahan yang dipantau oleh TuneUp Rescue Center dan dapat dibatalkan kapan saja. Semua modul TuneUp Utilities dapat diakses melalui interface umum yang dibagi menjadi enam kategori. Selain itu, Main Window juga memiliki tiga tombol umum di sebuah bar abu-abu gelap ke kanan di bagian atas Windows. Tombol pertama untuk memulai modul TuneUp Rescue Center. Tombol kedua untuk memulai TuneUp Update Wizard, yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbarui TuneUp Utilities untuk versi terbaru melalui Internet. Tombol terakhir memberikan bantuan dan pengaturan yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyesuaikan paket perangkat lunak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.

TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2160.13 Full Patch Keygen
TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2160.13 Full Patch Keygen

Dibawah ini beberapa fitur dari "TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2160.13"
  • TuneUp Speed ​​Optimizer
Apakah koneksi internet Anda dikonfigurasi secara optimal? TuneUp Speed ​​Optimizer tahu jawaban atas semua pertanyaan ini. Ini memeriksa seluruh sistem anda untuk bottlenecks, memeriksa program tak berguna yang berjalan di latar belakang, dan setting yang salah. hanya dengan satu klik Anda dapat melakukan optimasi yang paling sangat cepat. Selain itu, TuneUp Speed ​​Optimizer memberikan saran untuk mempercepat sistem anda.

  • TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
Membersihkan lingkungan kerja Anda yang membosankan: menghapus cara pintas yang tidak valid dari menu Start, Desktop, dan Quick Launch bar yang sangat memakan waktu. TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner memeriksa apakah semua pintas berlaku dan menghapus hanya dengan mengklik sebuah tombol. Pada saat yang sama, folder kosong akan dihapus dari Start Menu. TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner juga memeriksa program sering digunakan dan membersihkan daftar file yang baru dibuka.

  • TuneUp Uninstall Manager
Mendesain ulang Windows anda dari bawah ke atas, TuneUp Uninstall Manager sekarang berjalan lebih cepat dan memiliki antarmuka baru bahkan lebih intuitif sehingga lebih mudah untuk meng-uninstall program yang tidak perlu. Program yang tidak perlu sering dilupakan karena mereka terpasang lama dan kemudian tidak digunakan. TuneUp Utilities menunjukkan daftar program tidak digunakan sehingga Anda dapat menargetkan untuk Penghapusan instalasi aplikasi yang menggunakan ruang disk yang berharga dan dalam keadaan tertentu bahkan memperlambat sistem anda.
  • Dan masih banyak lagi fitur-fiturnya..
Jika sobat ingin mempunyai software ini, silahkan saja klik link download di bawah ini..

Download TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2160.13 Full Patch Keygen QBT4N49VK2NC
Link =>> [ MediaFire ]
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Friday, March 25, 2016

Hp Provides Windows Xp, Windows Vista and Windows 7 Drivers for this model. I re-arrange and remake the driver list by removing unnecessary download and arrage them into installation order. Additional information such as installing audio instruction for Windows XP added along the driver list.

Please Install According to the order Given: Windows XP, Vista, 7 32-bit and 64-bit)

Chipset :
Intel Chipset Installation Utility
Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7

Audio patch
ONLY FOR WINDOWS XP - Install before Installing audio driver, Reboot after Installation
Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver for High Definition Audio (sp33867)

ADI SoundMAX High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver for Microsoft Windows
Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7

Graphic - Intel
Intel 965GM Graphic Drivers
Windows XP
Windows Vista32-bit - Windows Vista 64-bit
Windows 7 32-bit - Windows 7 64-bit

Graphic - ATI
ATI Video Driver and Control Panel
Windows XP - Windows Vista 32-bit - Windows Vista 64-bit - Windows 7 (automatically Installed)

HP Quick launch Button
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

Synaptic Touchpad Driver
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

Authentec Fingerprint Reader Driver
Windows XP/Vista : Download 
Windows 7 : Automatically Installed

High Definition Audio (HDA) Modem Driver
Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7

Card Reader
Ricoh Media Card Reader Driver (R5C853)
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

LAN - Ethernet
Intel 82566MM Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

There are 2 applicable Wireless Driver, Choose base on your specification.

Intel Pro Wireless Driver : Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7
Broadcom Wireless Driver :  Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7

Software Support for HP Integrated Bluetooth With Wireless Technology
Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7

Intel SATA AHCI Controller Driver
(Use this driver if only you need it and know what to do with it)
Windows XP/Vista:  Download

Intel Matrix Storage Manager
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

Infineon Trusted Paltform module (TPM) Driver
Only for Windows XP/Vista : Download

HP 3D DriveGuard
Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7

Intel Active Management Technology Driver
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

Utility for Fingerprint
-Make sure you already installed the fingerprint driver.

HP Protect Tools Security Manager Suite
Windows XP/Vista/7 : Download

Credential and Fingerprint manager for HP Protect Tools
Windows XP/Vista : Download
Read More..
Please Install according to the order given.

IDT High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver
Version6.10.6392.0, 41.85M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 64-bit) : Download

Intel Chipset Installation Utility and Driver
Version9.3.0.1020, 2.52M
(Windows 7 32/64-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32-bit) : Download (also support Windows XP, 7 and 8 32/64-bit)
(Windows 8/8.1 64-bit) : Download

Intel Management Engine Interface (MEI) Driver
Version8.0.4.1441, 47.95M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 64-bit) : Download

Intel Rapid Start Technology Driver
Version1.0.0.1022, 2.18M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit) : Download

Intel Smart Connect Technology Driver
Version2.0.1083.0, 9.49M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit) : Download

USB 3.0
Intel USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver
Version1.0.3.214, 5.39M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32/64-bit) : Download (or use windows 7 driver)

There are 2 applicable graphic drivers, choose base on your specification. For model with  AMD graphic, the driver package will automatically install Intel Graphic driver (dual graphic).

AMD High-Definition Graphics Driver
Version8.933.3.3000, 301.44M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 64-bit) : Download

Intel High-Definition (HD) Graphics Driver
Version8.15.10.2669, 153.43M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 64-bit) : Download

Driver - Keyboard, Mouse and Input Devices (‏2)

Synaptics TouchPad Driver
Version16.0.5.1, 108.66M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 64-bit) : Download

Validity Fingerprint Sensor Driver
Version4.3.304.0, 30.84M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 64-bit) : Download 

Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver
Version11.1.0.1006, 12.04M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 64-bit) : Download 

Card Reader
Realtek Card Reader Driver
Version6.1.7601.27016, 11.06M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 64-bit) : Download 

Cyberlink Youcam Software
Version, 158MB
Windows 7/8/8.1 32/64-bit : Download

Fingerprint Utility
Please install fingerprint driver first.
Windows 7/8/8.1 32/64-bit : Download

HP protect Smart Hrd Drive Protection
Version, 9.52MB
Windows 7 32/64-bit : Download
Windows 8/8.1 32-bit : Download
Windows 7/8/8.1 64-bit : Download

LAN - Ethernet
Realtek Local Area Network (LAN) Driver
Version7.54.309.2012, 5.92M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 64-bit) : Download 

There 4 available wireless driver, choose base on your specification.

Wireless - Intel
Intel Wireless Drivers, Intel PROSet, and Intel My WiFi for Microsoft Windows 7
Version15.2.0.19, 171.19M
(Windows 7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 64-bit) : Download 

Wireless - Broadcom
Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver
Version5.100.82.139, 35.3M
(Windows 7 32/64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit) : Download

Wireless - Ralink
Ralink 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
Version3.2.13.0, 22.39M
(Windows XP/7 32/64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32/64-bit) : Download

Wireless -  Atheros
Atheros AR9485 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Driver Lite
Version9.2.0.491, 24.68M
(Windows XP/7 32-bit) : Download
(Windows 7 64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8 32/64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8.1 32/ 64-bit) : Download 

There 3 available Bluetooth driver, choose base on your specification.

Bluetooth - Broadcom
Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Driver and Software
Version6.5, 234.14M
(Windows 7 32/64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit) : Download

Bluetooth - Intel
Intel PROSet Bluetooth Driver
Version2.1, 90.34M
(Windows 7 32/64-bit) : Download
(Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit) : Download

Bluetooth - Atheros
Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Driver
Windows XP/7 32/64-bit : Download
Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit : Download
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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cara Memperbanyak Follower Twitter | tips dan trik

Follower adalah orang yang mengikuti kita dalam twitter, saat sobat melihat ada akun twitter yang follower nya 50.000 tapi following nya cuma 10 atau 20 itu semua bukanlah hal yang sulit kalau kita mau melakukannya. Tapi yah emank udah kodrat sob, tingkat kepuasan mengerjakan sesuatu dengan jalan yang benar lebih tinggi dari pada mengerjakan dengan jalan yang gak bener [kurang bener deh].
yah semua ini sih tergantung kita sob, kalo tujuan kita cuma untuk eksistensi di twitter aja sih ane rasa gak terlalu dipermasalahkan memakai berbagai cara curang yang ada di internet.
oke sobat dari banyak cara yang bisa dipakai, ane kasih tau satu cara aja deh yang untuk nambah follower twitter, karena ane rasa cara ini tidak terlalu tamak atau rakus dengan follower, karena kita hanya bisa menambah follower 30 orang setiap 4 jam sekali. Lagipula cara ini adil sob, kalau kita follow satu orang maka kita di follow satu orang, 2 orang follow 2 orang juga follower kita dan seterusnya, jadi ane rasa cara ini tidak begitu curang amat sob (udah curang y tetep aje curang)

  1. langsung aja deh sob, masuk ke link ini
  2. langsung aja pilih sign up pada pojok kanan atas
  3. setelah daftar kita akan diminta mengijinkan aplikasi oleh twitter, pilih izinkan
  4. lalu proses pendaftaran akun sobat
  5. setelah selesai mendaftar maka sobat akan melihat point 300 pada pojok kanan atas, setiap orang akan mengurangi 10 point, jadi sobat hanya bisa menambah sebanyak 30 orang saja. dan setelah 4 jam kemudian baru point terisi secara otomatis lagi
  6. lalu pilih group yang sobat mau, ane sarankan pilih group orang indonesia, biar kita sama2 follow orang indonesia]
  7. lalu akan ada pesan "kami bukan anggota group ini, gabung di group ?",,pilih saja yes, i agree
  8. lalu proses menggabungkan group dengan akun sobat
  9. setelah gabung, maka sobat tinggal mengklik tombol follow saja sebanyak 30 orang selama 4 jam sekali
  10. dan begitu seterusnya
oke sobat, ane rasa cukup jelas kan dan mudah kan cara memperbanyak follower twitter itu, gak curang-curang banget kan....
makanya jangan sampe dilaporin polisi ya sob,, hehehe

ooke,semoga bermanfaat !!
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Daftar Harga Tablet Advan Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari Tablet Advan. menampilkan Daftar Harga Tablet Advan Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember.

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.

Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Daftar Harga Tablet Advan Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Daftar Harga Tablet Advan Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013
Daftar Harga Tablet Advan Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 :
Advan Vandroid T
Spesifikasi :
Android 4.0
Cortex A9 1Ghz
RAM 512 MB
Display 7” Touch Panel Capacitive
Dual Camera, Rear 2 MP
Harga Baru : Rp. 1.300.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -

Advan Vandroid T1C
Spesifikasi :
Android 4.0
Qualcomm Snapdragon Turbo 1 GB
Display 7” Capacitive Screen
Dual Camera 5 MP
Harga Baru : Rp. 1.650.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -

Advan Vandroid T2
Spesifikasi :
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
Cortex A8 1 Ghz
Display 7” Capacitive Screen
Dual Camera, Rear 2 MP
Harga Baru : Rp. 1.000.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -
Advan Vandroid T2V
Spesifikasi :
Android 2.3 Gingerbread
ARM-v6 1 GHz
RAM 512 MB
Display 7” Capacitive Screen
Camera Front VGA, Rear 2.0 MP
Harga Baru : Rp. 1.150.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -

Advan Vandroid T3
Spesifikasi :
Android 2.3
Cortex A8 1 GHz
Display 9.7” Capacitive Screen
Camera Front 2.0 MP, Rear 3.0 MP
Harga Baru : Rp. 2.600.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -
Advan Vandroid T4
Spesifikasi :
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
Cortex A8 1GHz Processor
RAM 512 MB
Display 8.4” multi touch screen
Camera 2.0 MP
Harga Baru : Rp. 1.200.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -

Advan Vandroid T6
Spesifikasi :
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
Cortex A8 1GHz Processor
Display 9.7” Capacitive Screen
Camera VGA
Harga Baru : Rp. 1.800.000,-
Harga Bekas : Rp. -
Read More..
Card Reader
Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller Driver
Version  Download

Intel(R) E7220/E7221 Chipset Driver
Version Download

SMSC IrCC NDIS Miniport Infrared Device Driver

SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP Driver

Realtek RTK8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC Driver

Conexant AC-Link Audio Driver

Synaptic Touchpad Driever

Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller Driver

Intel Wireless Pro 2200 B/G Driver
Read More..

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Model: HCL Me Laptop l1114
Series: 1114
Manufacture: HCL
Last Updated : May 8th 2014

Currently my service provider change their Fair Usage Policy which my Unlimited Quota is limited to 24GB a month (Im on a tight quota budget). So, I cant download and check all the driver files for now. That is why only few information I manage to provide here. If you urgently need certain information do let me know.

Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family
Windows 7 (32/64-bit) :  Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Download

Intel (HD) High Definition Graphic Driver
Windows 7 (32-bit) : Download
Windows 7 (64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Download

Windows 7 (32/64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Download 

Windows 7 (32/64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Automatically Installed

Touch Pad 
Windows 7 (32/64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Download

Windows 7 (32/64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Automatically Installed

On-Screen Display Driver
Windows 7 (32/64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Automatically Installed

Webcam Drivers for Windows (Generic)
Version 1.5.0 , 12MB
Windows 7 (32/64-bit) : Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Download 

Wireless and Bluetooth (Combo)
Realtek RT8188/8723 Wireless LAN Drivers and
Realtek 8723 Bluetooth Driver
Version 402.2006.1.18, 124MB
Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32/64-bit) :Download

Card Reader 
Windows 7 (32/64-bit) :Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) :Download

Windows 7 (32/64-bit) :Download
Windows 8 (32/64-bit) : Download

(It is an OEM files and will install 2 drivers/applications version).
Windows 7/8 (32/64-bit) : Download

Wireless and Bluetooth Installation:
HCL packed both bluetooth and wireless in a folder, but there are 2 wireless drivers available in that file so you need to select one to install base on your specification.
Extract the driver file first, open the extracted driver folder and you will get 2 folder with a readme file. Read the read-me file to select which wireless driver to install. On the 8723 folder, open BT folder and run setup to install bluetooth.
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Tablet Zinox Zpad
Foxconn terkenal di dunia teknologi sebagai salah satu produsen yang selalu mengapresiasi dan memberikan perhatian lebih besar terhadap berbagai produk tablet dan smartphone yang sanggup meraih kepopuleran di pasaran saat ini, termasuk iPhone, iPad, Amazon Kindle ataupun BlackBerry.

Namun begitu, tampaknya tak banyak yang mengetahui keberadaan penghargaan dari Foxconn berupa Platinum Partner Award yang diberikan setiap tahunnya kepada seluruh insan di dunia yang terlibat dalam memproduksi tablet dan smartphone.

Dan sebagaimana kabar yang dilansir melalui Nigeriacommunicationsweek, untuk tahun 2014 ini, penghargaan terhormat tersebut telah jatuh ke tangan Zinox Technologies sebagai produsen utama tablet Zpad yang berbasis di Nigeria, atas apresiasi dan peran sertanya terhadap penelitian dan pengembangan yang berujung pada kesuksesannya dalam melahirkan berbagai produk digital bermutu tinggi sejauh ini.

Perusahaan Nigeria itu setidaknya telah memandang solusi PC tablet sebagai cara yang jitu untuk memecahkan permasalahan kekurangan pengetahuan di negara tersebut. Selain akan dapat mengubah cara dan pola berpikir anak-anak sekolahan yang menggunakannya, kehadiran tablet Zpad yang dihadirkannya ini diharapkan juga akan bisa merambah ke sektor yang lebih luas lagi, termasuk diantaranya bisnis dan rumahan.

Berbeda dengan tablet zPad v6 yang hanya dibekali oleh processor dual-core dan lebih ditujukan untuk menunjang kalangan pendidikan,  tablet Zpad v7 terbaru justru telah didukung oleh processor 4th-gen Intel Core i3-3217U dan Intel vPro lengkap dengan sokongan RAM 4GB. Selain keberadaan panel layar sentuh 11 inci, tablet ZPad v7 ini juga dilengkapi dengan keyboard slim yang bisa dilepas.
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Daftar Harga Harddisk External Bulan Juni 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari Harddisk External. menampilkan Daftar Harga Harddisk External Bulan Juni 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember.

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.

Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Daftar Harga Harddisk External Bulan Juni 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Daftar Harga Harddisk External Bulan Juni 2013
Daftar Harga Harddisk External Bulan Juni 2013 :

Harddisk External A-Data CH11 500Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data CH11 750Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data CH91 Classic 320Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data CH91 Classic 500Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data HD-710 1 TB
Harddisk External A-Data HD-710 500Gb
Harddisk External A-Data HV-610 1 TB White
Harddisk External A-Data HV-610 500Gb White
Harddisk External A-Data NH-92 320Gb Tipis Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data Nobility NH01 500Gb USB 3.0 Black Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data Nobility NH01 640Gb USB 3.0 Black Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External A-Data Nobility NH01 750Gb USB 3.0 Black Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Astone 160Gb GEAR 288 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Astone 320Gb GEAR 288 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Astone 500Gb GEAR 288 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Astone AS-2SOT-160Gb Gear290 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Axioo 250Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Axioo 320Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Buffalo 1 TB HD-LBU3 Drive Station HD-LB1.0TU3
Harddisk External Buffalo 1 TB Pro NAS Link Station LS-V1.0TL
Harddisk External Buffalo 2 TB Duo USB 3.0 Raid Drive Station HD-WL2TU3R1
Harddisk External Buffalo 2 TB HD-LBU3 Drive Station HD-LB2.0TU3
Harddisk External Buffalo 3 TB HD-LBU3 Drive Station HD-LB3.0TU3
Harddisk External Buffalo 4 TB Duo NAS Link Station LS-WX4.0TL/R1
Harddisk External Buffalo 4 TB Duo USB 3.0 Raid Drive Station HD-WL4TU3R1
Harddisk External Buffalo 6 TB Duo USB 3.0 Raid Drive Station HD-WL6TU3R1
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-PA1.0TU3 1 TB Dual Interface USB 3.0 & Thunderbolt
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-PA500TU3 500GbDual Interface USB 3.0 & Thunderbold
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-PZ1.0U3 1 TB Ruggedized,secure portable USB 3.0 Hard Drive
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-PZ500U3 500Gb Ruggedized,secure portable USB 3.0 Hard Drive
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-QL12TU3R5 12 TB USB 3.0 External Four Hard Drive
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-QL4TU3R5 4.0 TB USB 3.0 External Four Hard Drive
Harddisk External Buffalo HD-QL8TU3R5 8.0 TB USB 3.0 External Four Hard Drive
Harddisk External Buffalo LS-X1.0TL Link Station Live 1.0 TB
Harddisk External Buffalo LS-X2.0TL Link Station Live 2.0 TB
Harddisk External Buffalo LS-X3.0TL Link Station Live 3.0 TB
Harddisk External Buffalo Mini Station Plus USB 3.0 HD-PNTU3 1 TB Ext. 2.5 Inch HD-PNT1.0U3
Harddisk External Buffalo Mini Station Plus USB 3.0 HD-PNTU3 500Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch HD-PNT500U3
Harddisk External Buffalo Mini Station Pocket USB 3.0 HD-PCTU3 1 TB Ext. 2.5 Inch HD-PCT1TU3
Harddisk External Buffalo Mini Station Pocket USB 3.0 HD-PCTU3 500Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch HD-PCT500U3
Harddisk External Hitachi 500Gb (Simple Touch) Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Hitachi Simple Basic 750Gb USB 2.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Hitachi Touro Mobile 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Hitachi Touro Mobile 500Gb USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External HP 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External HP 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External HP 2 TB USB 3.0 Ext 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External HP 3 TB USB 3.0 Ext. 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External HP 500Gb USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External HP 750Gb USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Patriot Gear Box Nas Solution Ext. 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External PATRIOT Javelin Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Patriot Valkyrie Nas Solution 2-Bay Gigabit Network,Raid 0,1 JBOD Ext. 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Backup Plus Desktop 2 TB USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Backup Plus Desktop 3 TB USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Backup Plus Freeagent 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Backup Plus Freeagent 500Gb USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Expansion Desktop 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Falcon Desktop 2 TB USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Falcon Desktop 3 TB USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Falcon Expansion Portable 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Falcon Expansion Portable 500GB USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Seagate Freeagent Go Flex Satellite 500Gb Wifi
Harddisk External Silicon Power A10 320Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power A10 640Gb 2.5 Inch Harddisk External External
Harddisk External Silicon Power A50 320Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power A80 640Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power A80 750Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power S10 500Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power S10 640Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power S10 750Gb Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Silicon Power S20 500Gb Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Simbadda 320Gb USB 2.0 SimDisk (Compatible For MAC) Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Spectra 250Gb USB 2.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Spectra 320Gb USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Spectra 500Gb USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Spectra 750Gb USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Basic 1 TB USB 3.0 (Without Software) Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Basic 500Gb USB 3.0 (Without Software) Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Desktop 2 TB USB 3.0 USB 3.0 (Preloaded Software)3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Series 1 TB USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Series 1.5 TB USB 3.0 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Series 500Gb USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Canvio Series 750Gb USB 3.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Toshiba Toshiba Canvio Desktop 3 TB USB 3.0 (Preloaded Software)3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 1 TB Storejet Anti Shock USB 2.0 Ext 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 1 TB Storejet Anti Shock USB 2.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 1 TB Storejet Anti Shock USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 1 TB Storejet Sata U (Ultra) Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 2 TB Sorejet USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 2 TB Storejet Sata T3 USB 3.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 2 TB Storejet USB 2.0 Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 320Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 2.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 500Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 2.0 Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 500Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 500Gb Storejet Sata U (Ultra) Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 640Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 2.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 640Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 750Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 2.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend 750Gb Storejet Anti Shock USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External Transcend Storejet Cloud 10K 32Gb Wireless Storage
Harddisk External Transcend Storejet Cloud 10K 64Gb
Harddisk External WDC 1 TB Usb + Firewire WD Passport Studio Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 1 TB USB 3.0 WD Passport Essential Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 1 TB WD Elements Portable USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 1 TB WD My Book Live Ext. 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 1 TB WD My Book Mac Edition Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 1 TB WD Passport SE Mac Edition Ext 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 2 TB USB 3.0 WD Passport Essential Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 2 TB Usb+Firewire WD Passport Studio Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 2 TB WD My Book Live Ext. 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 2 TB WD My Book Mac Edition Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 3 TB WD My Book Live Ext. 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 3 TB WD My Book Mac Edition Ext.3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 4 TB WD My Book Live Duo WDBVHT0040JCH-XXXX
Harddisk External WDC 4TB WD ShareSpace-Raid (Gigabit/USB)
Harddisk External WDC 500Gb USB 3.0 WD Passport Essential Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 500Gb Usb+Firewire WD Passport Studio Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 500Gb WD Elements Portable USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 500Gb WD Passport Elite Ext. 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 500Gb WD Passport Mac Edition 2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 6 TB WD My Book Live Duo WDBVHT0060JCH-XXXX
Harddisk External WDC 6 TB WD Sentinel WDBLGT0060KBK-SESN
Harddisk External WDC 750Gb WD Element Portable USB 3.0 Ext.2.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC 8TB WD ShareSpace-Raid (Gigabit/USB)
Harddisk External WDC Sentinel 12 TB
Harddisk External WDC Sentinel 16 TB
Harddisk External WDC Sentinel 4 TB
Harddisk External WDC Sentinel 8 TB
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Essential 2 TB USB 3.0 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Essential 3 TB USB 3.0 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Essential 4 TB USB 3.0 3.5 Inch
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition 1 TB (Usb,Firewire)
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition 2 TB (Usb,Firewire)
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition 3 TB (Usb,Firewire)
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition II 2 TB (Usb,Firewire,eSATA)
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition II 4 TB (Usb,Firewire,eSATA)
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition II 6 TB (Usb,Firewire,eSATA)
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition USB 3.0 1 TB
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition USB 3.0 2 TB
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition USB 3.0 3 TB
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Studio Edition USB 3.0 4 TB
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Thunderbolt Duo 4 TB WDBUPB40JSL-SESN
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Thunderbolt Duo 6 TB WDBUPB0060JSL-SESN
Harddisk External WDC WD My Book Thunderbolt Duo 8 TB
Harddisk External WDC WD Passport Edge 500Gb
Harddisk External WDC WD Passport Essential SE (Black) 750Gb
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