Sunday, April 10, 2016

At almost end of that year, I saw her again in one of the gatherings in RBA(wangdue) ground during the national day I guess but couldn’t talk to her though she just walked away by my side. I just remained pretending not to see her and watch her going from behind like an idiot and she went.

I never thought of telling about this to any of my friends and let any of them know about this because I don’t like teasing others and when someone teases at me but somehow I told to my closest friend (panda) as he also used to tell me everything and he was a trustful man. When he came to know about this he was surprised and said how could he never notice that for the whole year? Again one of my close friends (b-ray) to whom I used to call my little bro came to know too as we two happened to be quite connected because the girl I admired and the girl he loved happened to be the group friends surprisingly. He always used talk about his admired girl to me and he used to think just like me that he may not get her and he is not capable of her. He too used to think that he is never going to propose her and watch her from the far sight enjoying the sweet feelings that we get when we really love someone truly without having any expectations in return.

I do sometimes used to ask him about her as her house was just on the way to his home and he used to tell me that many a times he saw her, sometime sitting lonely and sometime playing with her friends on his way to home. He always used to tease me by saying that “bro let’s go to see bowju (sister in-law) today” when we reach at the junction and I used to reply him by saying that one fine day we’ll surely go to see her and I used to questioned him “what if she is not outside her house when we go to see her?” moreover my lazy friend (panda) also always used say “let’s go next time today we are getting late to home”.

Finally one fine evening after the school we decided to go and see her no matter what happens. I was the protagonist among all the friends there and was feeling literally nervous while they were in their own world. From the deep inside I was really in intension and nervousness and I was thinking only one thing, what am I going to say on seeing her first of all? On the other side I too was thinking that “if I happened to see her somehow today I’ll feel that there is some connection between us and if I don’t see her today, then I’ll never think and talk about her from today” which was really crazy. While thinking that we reached in-front of her house. As she was not on the ground I directly looked up at her window which I was not sure of but I felt that, that might be her window but suddenly she just  appeared in-front of us carrying two dustbins on her both hands with her friend who was unknown to us.

I got shocked at once because may be I was thinking inside that I’ll not be able to see her that day and on seeing her suddenly just in-front of me, I turned blue and couldn’t say anything to her as usual but she gave a smile as soon as she saw me and that gave me the will to talk with her. Then I quickly walked to her and talked formally while my friends from behind might had been thinking that I was talking something different. It’s really funny. Fortunately her waste pit was just along our way. We reached to the pit and her friend threw her waste too while we kept on talking about the schooling and her plan to join the institute in Bumthang while my friends were looking at us from the behind with a big smile on their face making me more nervous. 

We talked there for almost ten to fifteen minutes but while I was talking with her I could hear someone calling me from far away “dhan kr…!!! Which gradually became louder and louder “Dhan Kr…!!!DHAN..Kr..!!!!!!!R...U..NT..GOING..TO..SCOL...2DAY..!!! you are getting late…..!!! She was my mom calling me from my bed room’s window.                                                                                       

                                                                    D.K Thulung Rai                 


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