Monday, May 16, 2016

This is in-continuation with my last post about the Tour of the Dragon (cycle race) that was held on 7thof September 2013. On the day before that our sir Mr. Ugyen Tshering was searching for around 20 volunteer students to cheer up the riders on their way. He came to our class and talk about that and I was very excited about that and without thinking anything, my friend Kinley Penjor and I volunteered for that, forgetting about the classes that we will be missing and weather condition on that day. To be true I didnt expect anything from BOC for this volunteer work, I just wanted to volunteer to appreciate the riders who are able to complete 268 km in a single day which I cannot imagine of doing at all, by simply cheering up for their efforts and strength. And this tour was world’s tough fest one day mountain ride. When we volunteer for something we should not expect something in return, if you expect something than that’s not a volunteer.

 If you volunteer with your full heart, you will be rewarded in one way or another, one day. When we do something good, we have to appreciate our self-first and feel proud of our-self. To be true I really appreciate myself when I do something good and that make me feel proud. I was very happy when sir called us to give this certificate with the signature of the chief of BOC Dasho Jigyel and I really felt proud to be a part of Dragon Riders and BOC. So keep on volunteering and be proud of yourself always. And one day you will be rewarded directly or indirectly.

                                                                D.K Thulung Rai

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